If your generator is making lots of noise, you may want to look into soundproofing the generator or building a soundproof box as a solution. We have been getting a lot of requests from the readers to write an article on How to Build a Soundproof Generator Box, Completely DIY (Do It Yourself).
So I experimented and tried multiple generator boxes and came up with this one. This is an easy and simple one. Just follow our steps properly and you can build your own Soundproof Generator Box.
Steps to Build a Soundproof Generator Box are
- Measure the Generator Size
- Cut the Box Out According to the Measurement Taken
- Set Up Ventilation Holes on the box
- Add the Mass Loaded Vinyl Insulation
- Caulk the first layer using Green Glue Compound
- Glue the Foam Mat on the box
- Put the Box Together
- Installing the Venting Duct
Products Required Before Building the Soundproof Box for Generator
Tools Required For Building the Soundproof Box for Generator
- A Measuring Tape
- Right Angle Ruler
- Paper and Pen/Pencil (To Note down the Measurement)
- Glue
- Screws and Nails
- Hammer and Screwdriver
- Cutting Saw (Circular or Table)
How to Build a Soundproof Generator Box (8 Steps DIY Guide)
Step 1: Measure the Generator Size
Generators come in different sizes so we need to build one according to the size of our generator. So the first size is to measure your generator properly before moving on to the next step.
Make sure the measurements are very accurate and precise because the measurement is very important to build a soundproof generator box. If you mess up with the measurement then after building the box the generator might not fit properly and it will totally ruin all the hard work put in to build the box.
After taking down the measurement make sure you write the measurements in the paper or book. You might wanna add in a couple or some extra inches to make enough size soundproofing box. You might also require some space for insulation and vents for ventilation. After writing down the measurements then follow step 2.
Step 2: Cut the Box Out According to the Measurement Taken
After writing down the measurements of the generator, you need to cut the box down according to the measure. As I suggested before you can use a Medium Density Fiberboard (It’s available on Amazon). You can also use regular plywood but for the best result use this Medium Density Fiberboard.
Use the pen or pencil and that right-angle ruler to label the measurement on the fiberboard, after making sure that everything is right then you can go ahead and start the cutting process.
You can use any type of cutting saw such as a table saw or a circular saw whichever you have available with you. Now cut according to the measure of each section of the box.
Step 3: Set Up Ventilation Holes on the box
After cutting the box down according to the exact measurement, you need to set up some holes for ventilation for the box. Make sure you have brought the ventilation duct before setting up the ventilation holes on the box. Now that you have the ventilation duct follow these steps.
- Take the ventilation duct and measure its diameter.
- Now mark two circles on the fiberboard using the measurement of the diameter of the ventilation duct.
- Mark the circles as per this tutorial
- The First Circle should be placed on the top piece of the fiberboard. Make sure that it would be very much better if you place the hole a bit more to one side, rather than in the center of the fiberboard.
- The Second Circle should be placed on the board which will be facing as the wall. This is the piece that will be placed on the opposite side of the top hole.
- Now that you have marked everything on the board as per the instruction, lay the fiberboard walls on the table and place the ceiling of the board in the center and the rest of the board surrounding it.
Step 4: Add the Mass Loaded Vinyl Insulation
Now that you have marked the ventilation holes on the fiberboard its time to create layers on the box. The first rule of soundproofing is to create as many layers possible. Now we are using the Mass Loaded Vinyl insulation to create the first layer so that the box is well soundproofed.
These layers on the box will make the sound signal scatter making its soundproofing.
One of the best sound deadening materials that are available on the market is Mass Loaded Vinyl
Steps to Add the Mass Loaded Vinyl Insulation on the Generator Quiet Box
- Buy sufficient Mass Loaded Vinyl, which can also be used later for soundproofing other stuff at home.
- Measure the Quiet Box and write down the measurement.
- Mark the measurement on the Mass Loaded Vinyl.
- Cut down on the markings of the mass loaded vinyl.
- Glue it down directly on the fiberboard accurately using the Green Glue Compound.
Step 5: Caulk the first layer using Green Glue Compound
Now that you have added the first layer to box which is the Mass Loaded Vinyl, now you need to caulk the edges of the first layer using the Green Glue Compound. Because adding the mass loaded vinyl on the edges can be very tricky, so you definitely need to add caulk the edges using a soundproofing material called Green Glue Compound.
Green Glue Compound is the best soundproofing material. It is a type of glue that is also sound deadening. When the sound signals hit on the green glue compound, the sound signal changes into heat energy making it sound deadening.
Use the glue on the edges of the first layer and let it dry well before moving onto the next step.
Step 6: Glue the Foam Mat on the box
Now that you have glued the edges of the box using the green glue compound, it’s not time to create a second layer to the box. Remember that layers are important in soundproofing anything.
Now for the second layer, we are going to use an Acoustic Foam Mat which will absorb the sound signals. If you are wondering what is the best acoustic foam then check our article on Best Acoustic Foam Panel which we have already written on our blog.
These acoustic foam mat or panels are very soft in nature so it will make the sound bounce off and not let it escape outside making the generator box very quiet and acoustic.
To Install the Foam Mat on the box follow these steps
- You need to get Foam Mat to start this process, so order some online.
- Measure the quiet generator box and write down the measurement.
- Cut the foam mat according to the measurement.
- Now glue the foam mat on the box above the Mass Loaded Vinyl as the second layer.
- Glue it using the Green Glue Compound which you had used to glue the first layer and also the edges of the first layer.
Step 7: Put the Box Together
After installing the second layer to the box, now it’s time to put the box together. So collect all the pieces and put together the enclosure for the quiet box.
Assemble the wall and the ceilings that we made out of the fiberboard and attach them to one another using nails and screws. You can also make a small door to access the generator easily. Get creative in this part as per your needs. Also, take care of the ventilation holes that we made earlier which will be taken care of in the next step.
After putting up the box together follow the next step.
Step 8: Installing the Ventilation Duct
After you have put the quiet generator box together with is now time to install the ventilation duct. As I have mentioned earlier ventilation is an utmost priority for the proper functioning of a generator. So you really need to focus on this part.
For a generator to run properly and smoothly, it is very important to create a nice airflow and supply. If the airflow is not proper then the generator can start overheating and can be caught catastrophe and the risk is very high. It could blast or you might even face fire in some instances. Focusing on this ventilation part will help you in the long run.
Now install the ventilation duct on the generator soundproofed box or the generator quiet box or enclosure. Make sure to tighten the ventilation duct so that it doesn’t get removed when left unattended. You need to install the ventilation duct on the holes that we created. You can use this method to build a sound proof dog crates too.
If this text tutorial is tough then you can follow this Youtube video tutorial below, who also explains almost an exact tutorial but with their own additions.
If you are wondering how to make a generator quiet then visit our guide here!
Finding a way to keep your generator quiet can be frustrating, but hopefully if you followed our DIY guide you found an easy solution. Didn’t I tell you that this would be an easy and cost-effective DIY soundproofing quiet box to build? Hopefully that stands true!
No air flow
Will overheat and ruin the generator and may cause a fire. Also no way to run a cord into it.
We have mentioned to setup ventilation holes in the box for airflow.