How To Fix A Squeaky Office Chair

by Jennifer Porterfield | Last Updated: October 27, 2023
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If you work in an office, the last thing you want to deal with is distractions and annoyances. Unfortunately, a squeaking chair is both of these things. If you have a squeaky chair, you’ll know all too well how infuriating it can be.

Luckily, you don’t have to grin and bear it – there are some simple solutions to stop the squeak.

How To Fix A Squeaky Office Chair

This article will take you through some methods for fixing a squeaky office chair, as well as some tips for stopping the issue from happening again.

Why Does My Chair Squeak?

Before you can fix your office chair, you first need to know what is causing the issue. Several things might be making your chair squeak, so you need to make sure that you’re fixing the right cause. You’ll need to do some detective work for this, so get ready to examine your chair.

A common reason for a squeaking chair is if the screws are too loose. This changes how the parts of your chair move, and the insecure frame results in squeaks.

Another reason is that a part needs lubrication. You can tell which part needs attention by listening to where the squeak is coming from and where you’re having the most problems.

If there is too much friction when the seat turns, the central pole is the culprit. If the squeaking is worse when moving around, your problem may be the wheels.

One of the most common causes of squeaking is the seat-tension springs, which control how far back the seat is tilted.

You can tell if this is the cause if you hear squeaking when sitting back in your chair, or encounter resistance when leaning back.

The squeaking can’t always be fixed by lubricating a part, however. Sometimes a part may actually be worn down or damaged, and that’s why your chair squeaks. For instance, if your wheels are worn down or tilted, then this could be the cause of the squeaking.

But as long as you can identify where the squeaks are coming from, you will be able to stop them.

How To Stop The Squeaking

There are several ways to fix your office chair, depending on what’s making it squeak. If you’ve been able to find out the cause, let’s take a look at how you can fix it.

If the squeaking is being caused by loose screws, you’ll need to find which ones are loose. examine your office chair to see if you can find any loose screws or bolts. When you’ve found them, you can simply use a screwdriver or wrench to tighten them back up.

You may also want to add a quick spray of WD40 when tightening these. This makes your chair more secure, while also preventing any more squeaking.

How To Fix A Squeaky Office Chair

There are many parts in your office chair that need to stay oiled. Typically, an un-oiled part will be stiff and you can hear the squeak coming from there.

Once you find the area that is having difficulty moving, give it a good spray of WD40 or wipe it down with oil. Wheels should just need a good spray of lubricant, while the swivel pole may benefit more from oiling.

The springs are a bit harder to access. Remove the turn-knob over the spring and add oil or lubricant directly onto the spring. From there, you can put the turn-knob back over the spring.

If the chair still squeaks when you lean back, you may need to flip it over, unscrew the seat and add lubricant to where the pole connects. This should stop any friction between the parts, getting rid of the squeaks.

If the issue is caused by a part being worn down, a bit of oil isn’t enough. You’ll either need to replace the part, or fix it yourself. Thankfully, it isn’t too hard to repair most parts.

For example, if the wheels are tilted, you can detach them. From there, straighten out the piece of metal that screws onto the chair if it is bent. If the plastic inside is damaged, you can spray some silicon spray inside to fill the space.

Spray some on the metal post on the wheel itself, too – this will make sure everything’s tight and secure again. Silicon spray is a good way to fill in other gaps caused by wear and tear, such as in the swivel pole or on the back. Making sure everything’s secure will reduce any squeaking.

No matter what is causing your squeaking issues, there are simple and effective ways to fix it. If you can’t seem to stop the noise, try looking in a different place – you might be treating the wrong spot, or only solving part of the problem.

When you find the culprit, you’ll be able to silence the squeak for good!

How Do I Prevent The Squeak From Starting?

Now that you know how to fix your squeaking office chair, you should know how to prevent the issue from starting again.

The easiest and most important thing you can do to keep your chair from squeaking is to take good care of it. By reducing the stress you put on your chair, you’ll prevent most of the causes from even starting. Try to limit how heavily you sit down, and avoid bouncing in the chair.

Maintaining your chair properly will also prevent it from squeaking. Make sure that you keep your chair well-oiled so that all the parts move properly. Also, keep an eye on the screws so you know if any are coming loose.

If your chair has wheels, try to keep them steady. Moving around in different directions constantly will put more stress on the wheels, putting them at risk of damage (and by extension, squeaking).

Treating your chair well is a great way to keep your chair working properly and without squeaking. As long as you look after your office chair, you won’t have to worry about any more annoying squeaks!

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